Monetization for Telcos

Monetization for Telcos (or Telecommunication Service Providers) involve managing and charging pricing plans, bundles, discounts and ensuring accurate rating of Call Data Records. Besides, there are increasing requirements from regulatory authorities in any country with respect to billing and charging the customers.

Monetization for Telcos is all about capturing all types of charges such as plan fees, usage charges for consumption of mobile data, for local and national calls, sms/mms usage, international calls and more. It also involves capturing charges for one time fees such as instrument purchase or debit/credit adjustments, late payment fees and more.

The two of the most important features that help with monetization for telcos and MVNOs are billing mediation and online charging system (or the OCS platform). These modules are crucial for rating of the CDRs (or Call Detail Records).

Monetization for Telcos – How EarnBill Operates?

Monetization for Telcos

The diagram shows how monetization works for telcos with EarnBill. The network components such as the switch or the Universal Gateway (UGW) capture the usage or the live traffic of telecom users. The EarnBill Rating and Charging Engine receives this traffic as Call Detail Records (or CDRs). The rating engine of EarnBill interacts with the billing core of the system to rate these usage CDRs.

The telcos employ innovative pricing strategies while rating the CDRs and EarnBill provides more than a dozen different pricing strategies out of the box. EarnBill is an enterprise billing system that can scale to very high volumes while rating and charging the CDRs. The rated CDRs are then billed onto the invoices using the EarnBill’s Billing Engine.

As you can see from the diagram, the monetization for telcos involve a host of systems such as the UGW and the switch that capture the CDRs which are sent for rating to the EarnBill’s rating and billing engine. Apart from these two network based components, there could be other systems like the CRM system, an ERP or Customer Online Portal which may capture orders and other charges which are sent to the EarnBill billing engine for charging.

Go through more resources listed below to understand how EarnBill helps with the monetization process for telcos (or telecom billing).

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