Monetization for SaaS

Monetization for SaaS offerings involves integration of the monetization solution with the SaaS platform itself. The SaaS platform has many different events and trigger points that send critical and important information to a monetization service. The EarnBill monetization platform works in the background and acts as a billing engine that the SaaS platform can rely on. The EarnBill monetization for SaaS does the background tracking and charging of all the services offered on the SaaS platform.

Monetization for SaaS Platforms – How EarnBill works in the background?

There are so many subscription based SaaS businesses that are functional online and rely on a good monetization platform such as EarnBill. The SaaS businesses include payment gateways, ecommerce sites with subscription options, marketplaces, business communication services, email providers, digital solution providers, sms gateways, and many more. The diagram below shows how EarnBill would apply its monetization service for a subscription based SMS gateway:

Monetization for SaaS

As shown in the diagram, an sms gateway provider may be providing a subscription based plan which costs the user a few dollars per month and gives him a bucket of 10,000 smses. The action of a user subscribing on the SaaS platform will trigger an API call to EarnBill, which will trigger a payment of the plan fee amount using a payment gateway. If the payment is successful, the user will be created in both the SaaS platform and in EarnBill.

Once the user is created in the EarnBill monetization platform, a provisioning request will be triggered to the Telco carrier who provides the underlying network to use the SMS service. If the provisioning request is successful, the user is provided all details like API key and credentials that can enable the user to start using the SMS service.

Once the user is subscribed and provisioning, the user could use API calls to send SMSes as desired. Any use of API calls to send SMS will deduct the SMS quota or bucket which is maintained in EarnBill. EarnBill can do a realtime check on the quota and deduct it immediately. Any over usage can be charged as per agreed pricing mechanism on the plan.

More Resources:

Learn more about how EarnBill has been implemented for a large scale SaaS business of a Multi Brand Business Communications Company in the US.