Monetization for ISPs

Monetization for ISPs involves subscription management, recurring billing, custom and branded invoices, automated and recurring collection of payments using different payment methods, dunning notifications, different pricing strategies, discounts and more.

Monetization for ISP

Monetization for ISPs – New Avenues

More and more ISPs are venturing out into new domains and providing many more value added services such as the Voip services, IP PBX services, Leased Lines and networking and IT security services. The networking and IT security services involve selling and implementing networking routers and other equipment, anti virus setups, firewall installations and configurations etc.

With these value added services, the scope for monetization of ISPs has increased and is not just limited to subscription billing, but also involves service fees, equipment charges, licenses for software and networking devices such as routers, installation fees and in some cases consumption usage charges as well. For example, many providers provide leased lines and broadband internet with innovative pricing mechanisms that involve measuring and charging usage if it crosses a certain threshold or quota.

EarnBill as an ISP Billing System

EarnBill is an industry agnostic billing system and matches the monetization requirements of ISPs rather well. EarnBill’s features such as Product CatalogueSubscription ManagementRecurring BillingInvoicingPayment Collection and Dunning management fit perfectly well for ISP Billing scenarios. In some cases, an ISP might require a consumption billing or billing mediation feature in order to charge the user based on the consumption level instead of just charging a subscription fee.

EarnBill provides a complete, end-to-end automation for the ISPs with its billing and revenue management solution. For the ISP businesses, it also supports growth through its enterprise billing features. One of the key aspects to provide enterprise grade functional support is to support the wholesaler-reseller model seamlessly through the system.

Related Readings:

Please go through our ISP Billing Software page to know more about ISP Billing features in EarnBill.