In today’s world, for any Telecom, SaaS company, MVNO, VoIP provider, or other subscription-based business, a billing system is not a luxury; it is a necessity. The creation of invoices is not enough. Here is where EarnBill’s Product Rating Engine acts as a key element for your billing system.


Running a business with offerings, subscriptions, software, or anything else that customers pay for month in and month out, year in and year out, or any other timeline in between really can be a pain. The various plans and rates, usage, and who owes what all start to seem like a never-ending job of bookkeeping. Your system should monitor customer usage, calculate usage, and bill them accordingly. Invoice generation is only half work of the billing process, there is more that is working at the back of the system.

But what if there is a way to handle this automatically, so the issue of billing errors doesn’t happen again?

Imagine a system that remembers all your pricing details, later tracks consumption from customers, and finally calculates precisely what they owe. Pretty cool, right? That is what’s magical about product rating engines.


That’s where the role of EarnBill’s Product Rating Engine comes in—acting like your very own billing assistant.

Delve Deeper: How the Product Rating Engine Works

It’s like a detailed billing system. It tracks customer subscriptions and usage of various products, matches them with preset rates, and then calculates exactly what each customer owes. This precise automation is what makes a Product Rating Engine work.

A Product Rating Engine is an intelligent system that can deal with all the complicated billing details. It’s a must in any sophisticated and advanced billing system since it works behind the scenes to ensure everything goes smoothly. Here’s how it works

  • Collecting Information

The rating engine collects all the necessary details regarding customer subscriptions. Details such as what services or products each customer has subscribed to.


  • Analyze Usage Data

Next in line is the analysis regarding how the customers are using such products or services. For instance, it sees how much time is used by them over a certain service or how many times a product is used.


  • Consider Previously Agreed Rates

The engine considers all the predefined rates you have set up for the product. These may include discounts and special offers and the standard rate applied if an upper-level amount of usage has been reached.


  • Automated Calculation

With all of this information in hand, the rating engine calculates the exact amount each customer owes.


Its greatest strength is that a Product rating engine automates this entire process. In doing so, it reduces the risks of errors and saves time, assuring correct and consistent billing. Such sophisticated coordination of its different elements plays an imperative role in modern billing systems.

Product rating engines are not only meant for the specific industry! Here are the use cases

Billing System


➣ Telecom Billing: Track call duration, data usage, and locations to generate an accurate phone bill.

➣ MVNO Billing: Mobile data usage, call duration, and messages need to be tracked to generate invoices.

➣ ISP Billing: Billing by calculating the amount of data used and tier of service.

➣ Subscription-Based Services: Bill for features used within a subscribed package.

The Symphony of Benefits: Why Rating Product Engine Makes Your Business Exceptional

  • Accurate Billing

Eliminate billing errors once and for all. The rating engine manages complex calculations with accuracy based on customer usage and subscription. It ensures every single charge is correct.


  • Easy Rate Management

Configure complex pricing in an instant. Tiered pricing, freemium, discounts, and time-based pricing—it’s all possible with a product rating engine, allowing you to design the perfect pricing plan based on your business’s needs.


  • Higher Revenue

Make sure that you charge for every service and do not lose your money to missed charges. With a product Rating Engine, every service used equates to revenue generation for your company.


  • Happy Customers

Provide clean and transparent invoices in line with actual consumption to enhance trust and loyalty with the customer. Rating engine ensures that your customers get fair and understandable bills, avoiding their dissatisfaction.

The Last Move: The Power of Precision in Your Hands:

With competition on the rise in the market and ever-increasing requirements of efficiency and accuracy, success for any telecom, SaaS, or subscription-based business depends on smooth and accurate billing. EarnBill’s Product Rating Engine will help you achieve success by automating all the calculations to bill correctly and maximize your revenue.

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